Tuesday 10 October 2017

Moving Average Berechnung Sap Business One

Registrierung Es gibt nun einen SAP Standard Report, um die Änderungen im Moving Average Price zu analysieren. Alternativ können Sie die Tabelle CKMI1 verwenden, um die Abweichungen zu Ihrem Moving Average Price zu sehen. Überprüfen Sie die Informationen im KBA: 1506200 - Bestimmen Sie, wie sich der geänderte durchschnittliche Preis geändert hat. Suche nach MBEW-KALN1 (Kalkulationsnummer - Produktkalkulation) des Materials: Transaktion ausführen SE16 Tabelle MBEW (Materialbewertung) Geben Sie die Auswahl für Felder ein: Materialbewertungsbereich Bewertungstabelle (falls vorhanden) Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Ausführen Get den Eintrag KALN1 Holen Sie sich die Liste aus der Tabelle CKMI1 (Index für Buchhaltungsbelege für Material): Transaktion ausführen SE16 Tabelle CKMI1 Geben Sie das Feld KALNR ein (Kalkulation Nummer für Kosten Est Struktur) mit KALN1 aus Schritt 1 Entnehmen Sie den Eintrag im Feld quotMaximum Anzahl der Hitsquot Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Ausführen Eine Liste erscheint nach der eingegebenen Auswahl Gehen Sie zum Menüpfad quotSettingsquot - gt quotUser Parametersquot und wechseln Sie zu quotALV Raster displayquot Wählen Sie die beiden Spalten für DATUM aus (Tag, an dem das Buchhaltungsbeleg eingegeben wurde) und UZEIT (Zeitpunkt der Eintragung) und sortieren in aufsteigender Reihenfolge Analysieren Sie die Liste: Die Liste befindet sich nun in chronologischer Reihenfolge POPER gibt die Buchungsperiode an LBKUM ist die Bestandsmenge vor der entsprechenden Buchung SALK3 ist die Aktie Wert vor der entsprechenden Buchung VERPR ist die MAP vor der entsprechenden Buchung Aus der Liste sehen Sie, wie sich die LBKUM und SALK3 durch die Buchung geändert haben und das wird die MAP geändert als: VERPR (Moving Average Price) SALK3 LBKUM AWTYP MKPF Preis wurde geändert durch Ein Materialbeleg AWTYP RMRP Preis wurde durch einen Rechnungsbeleg geändert Die Felder Gesamtbestand (LBKUM), Gesamtwert (SALK3) und VERPR zeigen Werte vor der Buchung des Belegs (materialinvoice). Also, wenn Sie mit Preiskontrolle V-Moving Average Price verwenden. Der nächste Eintrag für VERPR ist das Ergebnis der Berechnung SALK3LBKUM. Beispiel aus anderen Geschichtestabellen: MARDH. Historie-Tabelle für Lagerbestand an Lagerort Ebene. MBEWH: Verlaufstabelle für Aktienwert. History-Tabellen werden nur für den PREVIOUS-Zeitraum aktualisiert, wenn eine Änderung in der aktuellen Periode erfolgt. Erst ab dem ersten Wechsel in der aktuellen Periode wird das System in der Historie-Tabelle für den Vorperiode einen Eintrag erstellen. Siehe SAP-Hinweis 193554 für weitere Details. Diese Anmerkung erklärt, wie die Geschichte Tabelle funktioniert. In den Verlaufstabellen sehen Sie, dass die Buchung in der aktuellen Periode immer die vorherige Periode aktualisiert. Wenn es in der aktuellen Periode keine Bestandsbuchung gibt, sehen Sie eine Lücke in dieser Tabelle. Sie ändern den Zeitraum bis September 2010 (009 2010). Dies ändert nichts an den Bestands - oder Bewertungstabellen. Sie posten dann eine Wareneingang im September 2010 (009 2010). Damit wird ein Eintrag in der Historientabelle für die Vorperiode (August 2010 008 2010) erstellt. Sie müssen MBEWH x CKMI1 vergleichen, um diese Beziehung zu sehen. Diese Historientabellen können einen Eintrag pro Periode haben. Die Werte eines solchen Eintrags beziehen sich auf das Ende des Zeitraums. Für die aktuelle Periode gibt es keine Einträge in den Verlaufstabellen. Ein Eintrag wird in dieser Historie-Tabelle für jeden Zeitraum nicht geschrieben. Wenn sich produktrelevante oder wertrelevante Daten ändern, kann das System einen Eintrag in der Historientabelle generieren. Darüber hinaus werden die Felder LFMON (Aktueller Zeitraum (Buchungszeitraum)) und LFGJA (Geschäftsjahr der laufenden Periode) in den Bestandsbuchwerten nicht mehr automatisch auf den aktuellen Zeitraum durch das Periodenabschlussprogramm gesetzt. Die Periode wird erst im ersten Satz auf die neue Periode übertragen. Gleichzeitig werden auch die relevanten Historieneinträge generiert. Sie können nicht die gleiche Berechnungsmethode wie die für die Position definierte auswählen, da dieser Bericht für die Prüfung von What-If-Szenarien gedacht ist. Ende der Notiz. SAP Business One bewertet Ihre Vorräte laufend mit dem gleitenden Durchschnittspreis. Dies bedeutet, dass eine Bewertung auf der Grundlage der entsprechenden Mengen und Preise für jeden Wareneingang und Ausgabe erfolgt und der gleitende Durchschnittspreis entsprechend aktualisiert wird. Der Bewertungspreis wird als Menge multipliziert mit dem Durchschnittspreis berechnet. Angenommen, die Preise werden im Laufe der Zeit zunehmen, die Artikel auf Lager werden überbewertet. Dieser Gewinn ist nicht so hoch wie bei der FIFO-Methode. Bei dieser Bewertungsmethode geht SAP Business One davon aus, dass die Positionen, die zuerst in das Warehouse eingegeben wurden, Dies bedeutet, dass Warenprobleme mit den Preisen bewertet werden, die für die ersten Wareneingänge gültig sind. Zum Beispiel, wenn Sie einen Artikel zu drei verschiedenen Preisen an drei verschiedenen Anlässen kaufen, geht SAP Business One davon aus, dass die ersten Artikel, die Sie verkaufen, von der ersten Lieferung sind. Dies bedeutet, dass die Preise aus der ersten Bestellung für den Verkauf und die Berechnung des entsprechenden Bruttogewinns verwendet werden, bis die Menge aus dem ersten Kaufbeleg verschwunden ist. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt verwendet SAP Business One den Preis für die Positionen aus der zweiten Bestellung. Angenommen, die Preise werden im Laufe der Zeit ansteigen, die Bestände werden mit den höheren Preisen aus den späteren Kaufpapieren bewertet. Sie können eine der in SAP Business One definierten Preislisten verwenden, um die Lagerbestände zu bewerten. Wenn Sie diese Methode wählen, erscheint das Feld Preisquelle. Wählen Sie in der Dropdown-Liste eine Preisliste aus. SAP Business One verwendet dann die für die Positionen in der von Ihnen ausgewählten Preisliste definierten Preise. Letzter Ausgezeichneter Preis Sie können die Bewertung auch auf der Grundlage der letzten ausgewerteten Preise durchführen. In diesem Fall verwendet SAP Business One die zuletzt berechneten Kosten für jede Position. Wenn Sie beispielsweise eine Bewertung unter der FIFO-Methode durchführen und dann eine Bewertung für die zuletzt berechneten Kosten durchführen, wertet SAP Business One die Positionen mit dem letzten Wert aus, der für einen Posten unter der FIFO-Methode ermittelt wurde. Wechselkurs am Berichtsdatum Die kumulierten Werte werden nach dem Wechselkurs am Berichtsdatum umgerechnet. Wenn die Berechnungsmethode Moving Average oder FIFO ist und Sie Zusätzliche FC für Total ausgewählt und eine Fremdwährung angegeben haben, wird der Wechselkurs nur für Anzeigezwecke verwendet. Die Positionskosten basieren stets auf dem Transaktionswert in lokaler Währung. Die Fremdwährungswerte werden nach den Umrechnungskursen angezeigt, die für die Daten vorhanden sind, an denen die entsprechenden Dokumente hinzugefügt wurden (Verwaltungskurse und Indizes). Wenn die Berechnungsmethode nach der Preisliste oder dem zuletzt ausgewerteten Preis liegt und der Preis in der jeweiligen Preisliste in einer Fremdwährung aufrechterhalten wird, sind die Wechselkurse, die für die Termine vorhanden sind, zu denen die entsprechenden Dokumente hinzugefügt wurden (Verwaltungsgebühren und Indizes) Verwendet, um die Positionskosten in Hauswährung zu berechnen. Das folgende Beispiel veranschaulicht, wie der Wert einer Transaktion entsprechend der Berechnungsmethode unterschiedlich simuliert werden kann: Markieren Sie das Kontrollkästchen, um ein negatives Inventar während der Bewertung zuzulassen. Gegenstände können negative Vorräte haben. Aus der Sicht der Rechnungslegung steht kein Verfahren zur Bewertung negativer Vorräte zur Verfügung. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Dokumenteinstellungen: Registerkarte Allgemein. Ende der Notiz. Wenn Sie negative Vorräte zulassen, sind folgende Situationen möglich: Wenn ein Posten im Berichtszeitraum negatives Inventar hat und Sie diese Option ausgewählt haben, wird die Position auf Basis der gewählten Bewertungsmethode bewertet. Wenn SAP Business One solch ein Element beim Ausführen des Berichts findet, wird die Zeile für dieses Element in den Berichtsergebnissen grün angezeigt. Hat ein Posten am Bilanzstichtag ein negatives Inventar, so hängt das Bewertungsergebnis von der ausgewählten Bewertungsmethode ab. Wenn die Bewertung durch den gleitenden Durchschnittspreis ausgewählt ist, wird für die Position ein negativer Wert berechnet. Ist die FIFO-Bewertungsmethode ausgewählt, ist keine Bewertung möglich. Die Zeile für das Element erscheint in den Berichtsergebnissen rot. Wenn keine Bewertung durchgeführt werden kann, enthält die Zeile für die Position die Bemerkung NA (nicht anwendbar), um anzuzeigen, dass keine Bewertung durchgeführt wurde. Um am Bilanzstichtag negative Vorräte zu vermeiden, buchen Sie einen Wareneingang für eine AP-Rechnung oder kurz vor dem Bilanzstichtag. Zusätzlicher FC für Gesamt Zeigt die Bewertung in einer Fremdwährung an. Standardmäßig ist das Feld abgewählt und die Ergebnisse werden in lokaler Währung angezeigt. Wenn Sie Additional FC für Total auswählen. Es wird ein zusätzliches Feld angezeigt, in dem Sie die gewünschte Währung auswählen müssen. Sie können dann zwischen der lokalen Währung und der ausgewählten Fremdwährung links oben im Bericht Ergebnisfenster wechseln. Wenn Sie eine zusätzliche Währung angeben, wird sie beim nächsten Öffnen des Berichts angezeigt. Einleitung Ein gleitender Durchschnitt ist eine einfache Technik, um zufällige Daten zu glätten. Meistens finden wir gleitende Durchschnitte, um die Bewegung der Aktienkurse zu analysieren, aber wir sehen sie auch in anderen Bereichen der Geschäfts - und Datenanalyse. Dies ist der erste Teil einer Serie von zwei Artikeln. Dieser Artikel beschreibt, was gleitende Durchschnitte und wie sie berechnet werden. Der zweite Teil untersucht dann, wie man gleitende Durchschnittsberechnungen in SAP BusinessObjects Web Intelligence implementiert. Wenn Sie bereits gleitende Durchschnitte verstehen, können Sie zum zweiten Artikel über die Implementierung in Web Intelligence überspringen. Was bewegt sich im Durchschnitt Ein gleitender Durchschnitt analysiert einen Satz von Datenpunkten, indem er einen Durchschnitt über einen kleineren Satz aktueller Datenpunkte berechnet. Zum Beispiel bei der Analyse des Aktienkurses über ein Jahr können wir einen gleitenden Durchschnitt generieren, der für einen bestimmten Tag der Durchschnitt der letzten 15 Tage ist. Abbildung 1 unten ist ein Beispiel für einen einfachen gleitenden Durchschnitt, der mit Google Finance generiert wird. Dieses Diagramm zeigt Google8217s Aktienkurs über dem letzten Jahr und die rote Linie ist ein gleitender Durchschnitt mit einem Zeitraum von 15 Tagen. Abbildung 1. Diagramm des Google39s-Aktienkurses mit einfachem gleitendem Durchschnitt Wir können aus dem obigen Beispiel sehen, dass der gleitende Durchschnitt (rote Linie) den fluktuierenden Aktienkurs glättet. Ein Merkmal eines gleitenden Durchschnitts ist, dass es hinter der ursprünglichen Kurve zurückbleibt. Dies liegt daran, dass an jedem Datenpunkt durchschnittlich ein Satz von vorherigen Datenpunkten benötigt wird. Für eine weitere Diskussion darüber, wie sich die gleitenden Mittelwerte in der Finanzierung nutzen, finden Sie unter Moving Averages bei StockCharts. Das Ziel, einen gleitenden Durchschnitt zu nutzen, besteht darin, kurzfristige Schwankungen zu reduzieren und längerfristige Trends hervorzuheben. Es gibt mehrere verschiedene Arten von gleitenden Durchschnitt und unterhalb von uns8217ll schauen, wie die häufigsten Beispiele zu berechnen. Danach sehen wir, wie man diese Berechnungen in Web Intelligence implementiert. Simple Moving Average Ein einfacher Moving Average (SMA) wie it8217s Name schlägt vor, ist der einfachste gleitende Durchschnitt zu berechnen. Für jeden Datenpunkt berechnen wir den Mittelwert über eine feste Anzahl von vorhergehenden Datenpunkten. Die nachstehende Tabelle zeigt eine solche Berechnung, bei der wir eine SMA von Periode 3 verwenden. Da die Periode unseres gleitenden Durchschnittsdatensatzes 3 ist, berechnen wir die ersten beiden Datenpunkte. Dann berechnen wir für jeden Datenpunkt den Mittelwert über die letzten drei Datenpunkte einschließlich des aktuellen Datenpunktes. Da bei der Berechnung unseres Durchschnittswertes der Summenwert addiert und der erste Wert abfällt, können wir unsere Berechnung vereinfachen, wo SMA (vorheriges) das Ergebnis ist, das wir zuvor berechnet haben, N die Größe des gleitenden Durchschnittsdatensatzes p1 ist Ist der erste Wert in unserem Set und pN ist der letzte Wert des Satzes. Ein Rückzug einer SMA ist, dass es alle bisherigen Datenpunkte im gleitenden Durchschnitt gleich behandelt und so können wir feststellen, dass ältere Datenpunkte die Berechnung negativ beeinflussen können. Um dies zu adressieren, können wir gewichtete oder exponentielle gleitende Durchschnitte verwenden. Weighted Moving Average Ein gewichteter gleitender Durchschnitt (WMA) wendet Gewichte an die Datenpunkte im gleitenden Mittelsatz an, so dass neuere Datenpunkte für das Gesamtergebnis mehr Bedeutung haben. Es gibt mehrere Möglichkeiten, wie wir Gewichte anwenden können und die einfachste ist, einen abnehmenden Satz von Gewichten zu verwenden, zum Beispiel wenn wir einen gleitenden durchschnittlichen Datensatz von 6 Datenpunkten haben, dann sind unsere Gewichte 6,5,4,3,2,1 Angewendet von den aktuellsten Daten bis zum frühesten. Unsere Berechnung ist ein bisschen komplexer und für einen gleitenden durchschnittlichen Datensatz von Größe 6 ist es also Also p6 ist unser aktueller Wert und wir multiplizieren wir mit 6, dann addieren wir dann das 5-fache des vorherigen Wertes, das 4-fache des Wertes vor diesem und bald. Dann teilen wir dies mit 6 (61) 2 auf. Dies ist die Berechnung für eine dreieckige Zahl und Wikipedia hat eine Erklärung, wie dies abgeleitet wird. Die nachstehende Tabelle zeigt die Berechnung eines WMA der Periode 3 für denselben Datensatz, den wir im obigen SMA-Beispiel verwendet haben. Exponential Moving Average Ein exponentieller gleitender Durchschnitt (EMA) verwendet einen exponentiell abnehmenden Satz von Gewichten. In der WMA über unsere Gewichte sank linear, ein exponentiell abnehmender Satz von Gewichten verringert sich schnell schnell und schlägt dann ab. Wenn wir ein Diagramm dieser Gewichte produzieren, würde es so etwas wie Abbildung 2 unten aussehen. Abbildung 2 Diagramm der abnehmenden exponentiellen Gewichte Eine EMA bietet mehr Gewicht auf die jüngsten Werte als ein WMA und es hat auch den weiteren Vorteil, leichter berechnet zu werden. Um eine EMA zu berechnen, nehmen wir den vorherigen EMA-Wert und addieren die Differenz zwischen dem aktuellen Datenpunktwert und dem vorherigen EMA multipliziert mit einer Konstante 8216alpha8217, die Konstante alpha repräsentiert die Skala der Gewichtungsabnahme und ist ein Wert zwischen 0 und 1. Ändern dieser Wert ändert sich die Menge der Gesamtglättung, bei der Werte nahe bei Null einen hohen Grad an Glättung anwenden und Werte näher 1 weniger produzieren. Die folgende Abbildung verwendet dieselben Datenpunkte, zeigt aber eine EMA mit einem Wert von 0,7 und 0,1 an. Abbildung 3 zwei Diagramme zeigen dieselben Quelldaten mit einem exponentiellen gleitenden Durchschnitt an, wobei unterschiedliche Werte von alpha verwendet werden. In unseren Berechnungen wenden wir nur die EMA vom 3. Datenpunkt an für den ersten Datenpunkt an, den es üblich ist, diesen auf 0 oder keinen Wert zu setzen Für den zweiten Datenpunkt setzen wir den Wert gleich dem Wert des 2. Datenpunktes. Die nachstehende Tabelle ist die Berechnung von EMA für unseren Beispieldatensatz mit einem Alpha-Wert von 0,4SAP BUSINESS ONE LESSONS Erstellen einer neuen Gesellschaft Festlegen der Firmenadresse Definieren von Buchungsperioden Definieren von offenen Salden Festlegung des Firmenkalenders Definieren der Kontosegmentierung Definition der Kaufabrechnung Definition von Kontinuierlichen Beständen Definieren von Währungen Definieren von Indizes Definieren von Dokumentennummern Definieren von Dokumenteneinstellungen Definieren der Kontenplanvorlage Festlegen von GL-Konten Definieren von Druckvorgaben Definieren von Transaktionscodes Definieren von Steuerkategorien Definieren von Zahlungsbedingungen Definieren von Verkaufsmitarbeitern Definieren von Kommissionsgruppen Definieren der Berechnung von Provisionen Definieren von Inventar - und Elementeinstellungen Definieren von Geschäftspartnern Einstellungen Definieren der Kostenkonfiguration Definieren der Budget-Setup Definieren von Service-Einstellungen Definieren von Benutzern Definieren von Berechtigungen Definieren von Genehmigungsverfahren Definieren von Alert-Services Definieren von Adressformaten Definieren von Ländern Definieren von Territorien Definieren von Projekten Definieren von Anzeigeeinstellungen Erstellen neuer Unternehmen Verwendung Im folgenden Verfahren wird erläutert, wie ein neues Unternehmen in SAP Business One erstellt wird Das Fenster Firma auswählen. Neue Firmen können auch mit der Jahresübertragungsfunktion erstellt werden. Vorgehensweise 1. Wählen Sie Administration 174 Wählen Sie Firma. 2. Wählen Sie Neu. Das Fenster Neue Firma erstellen wird angezeigt. 3. Setzen Sie alle Parameter in diesem Fenster nach Ihren Bedürfnissen 4. Wählen Sie OK. Ergebnis SAP Business One erstellt eine neue Datenbank auf dem verbundenen Server und fügt das Unternehmen zur Liste der bestehenden Firmen im Fenster "Firmenbuch" hinzu. Dieser Vorgang kann einige Zeit in Anspruch nehmen. Sobald die neue Firma angelegt ist, protokolliert Ihnen SAP Business One automatisch dazu. Wenn das neue Unternehmen nicht im Fenster "Firma auswählen" angezeigt wird, wählen Sie "Aktualisieren". Dies löst das Scannen der Datenbank im Server aus und aktualisiert die Anzeige des Fensters "Firma auswählen". Firmendetails: Registerkarte Allgemein Registerkarte Diese Registerkarte enthält zwei Unterlisten mit identischen Feldern. Geben Sie auf der Registerkarte Lokale Sprache die Details des Unternehmens ein, die auf Dokumente im lokalen Sprachlayout gedruckt werden sollen, und geben Sie auf der Registerkarte Fremdsprache die zu druckenden Details ein, wenn ein Drucklayout in einer Fremdsprache ausgewählt ist. Um auf dieses Fenster zuzugreifen, wählen Sie im Hauptmenü die Option Administration 174 System Initialisierung 174 Firmeninfo 174 Registerkarte Allgemein. Firmendetails: Allgemeines Registerfeld BeschreibungAktivität Firmenname Geben Sie den Namen Ihres Unternehmens ein. Sie können ggf. eine Abkürzung des Firmennamens verwenden, da dieses Feld nur intern verwendet wird. Der hier angegebene Name erscheint oben im SAP Business One Menü. Der im Feld "Druckkopf" angegebene Name wird jedoch gedruckt. Adresse Zeigt die formatierte Adresse an, wie sie in den Adressfeldern angegeben ist. Adressfelder Geben Sie die Firmenadresse ein, wie sie auf allen mit SAP Business One gedruckten Dokumenten angezeigt werden soll. Internet-Adresse Geben Sie die Firmenwebsite ein. Drucken von Header Geben Sie den Firmennamen ein, wie er auf allen mit SAP Business One gedruckten Dokumenten angezeigt werden soll. Active Manager Dieser Mitarbeiter wird im Feld Active Manager in gedruckten Dokumenten angezeigt. Telefon 1, Telefon 2, Fax, E-Mail Geben Sie die aktiven Manager8217s Telefon - und Faxnummern und E-Mail-Adresse ein. Einstellen von Eröffnungssalden für GL-Konten Verwendung: Während der Systeminitialisierung müssen die Eröffnungssalden für die GL-Konten mit Altdaten aktualisiert werden. Um SAP Business One ab Beginn des Geschäftsjahres nutzen zu können, geben Sie die Bilanz des Vorjahres8217s Bilanz ein. Geben Sie die Eröffnungsbilanzen für die Bilanzkonten (Vermögenswerte, Verbindlichkeiten und Eigenkapital) ein. Die Aufwandskonten werden bei der Erstellung mit der Bilanz ausgewiesen. Wenn das Geschäftsjahr am 1. Januar nicht beginnt, ändern Sie das Datum im Fenster GL Accounts Opening Balance. Wenn das firmeneigene Geschäftsjahr in der Mitte des Jahres beginnt, zum Beispiel am 1. Juli, um die Eröffnungsbilanzen ab dem 1. Januar und ab dem ersten Quartal, 1. April, zu betrachten, geben Sie mehrere Salden für verschiedene Termine auf dem gleichen Konto ein. Geben Sie die Eröffnungsbilanzen des Geschäftsjahres für den 1. Januar ein und öffnen Sie dann nur das Delta für den 1. April und den 1. Juli. Um das System im laufenden Geschäftsjahr zu nutzen, geben Sie die Werte aus einer bestehenden Bilanz oder Zwischenbilanz im System ein. Erstellen Sie diese Trialinterim-Bilanz am Tag vor dem ersten Einsatz von SAP Business One. In diesem Fall geben Sie die Salden der Aufwand - und Ertragskonten an. Vorgehensweise 1. Wählen Sie im SAP Business One-Hauptmenü Administration - System Initialisierung - Eröffnungsbilanzen - GL Opening Balances. Das Fenster GL Opening Balances 8211Selection Criteria erscheint. 2. Stellen Sie den gewünschten GL-Account-Bereich ein und wählen Sie dann OK. Das Fenster GL Opening Balance erscheint. 3. Wenn das Geschäftsjahr am 1. Januar nicht beginnt, ändern Sie das Datum auf das gewünschte Datum. Geben Sie das Posteingang des GL-Kontos im head8217s-Header ein und füllen Sie die entsprechenden Details aus. 4. Eröffnungsbilanzen in der Landeswährung in Spalte OB (LC) nur dann eingeben, wenn Daten in der Landeswährung eingegeben werden sollen. Wenn sich die Systemwährung von der lokalen Währung unterscheidet, berechnet das System automatisch die Eröffnungsbilanzen in der Systemwährung und zeigt die Werte in Spalte OB (SC) an. 5. Geben Sie die Eröffnungsbilanz in der Fremdwährung ein. Ist für ein Konto eine Fremdwährung definiert, so ist auch das Feld OB (FC) aktiv. Das System berechnet dann automatisch die Beträge in den lokalen und Systemwährungen mit dem gültigen Wechselkurs am Wertdatum. Überschreiben Sie die berechneten Werte bei Bedarf. 6. Geben Sie den Wert ohne Pluszeichen ein, wenn der Saldo in Kredit ist. Wenn die Waage in Lastschrift ist, fügen Sie ein Minuszeichen vor dem Wert ein. 7. Wählen Sie Hinzufügen, wenn alle Eröffnungsbilanzen aktualisiert wurden. Eine Eröffnungsbilanz für ein Multi-Währungs-Konto kann nur in lokaler Währung eingegeben werden. SAP Business One schafft die Eröffnungssaldo-Transaktionen für die im Fenster GL Accounts Opening Balances aktualisierten Konten. Der ursprüngliche Typ, der diesen Transaktionen zugeordnet ist, ist OB. Definieren von Kalendereinstellungen Definition Sie können verschiedene Aspekte Ihres Kalenders anpassen, z. B. das Festlegen der Anzeige des Kalenders, das Auswählen von Arbeitstagen und die Ansicht eines anderen Benutzerkalenders. Vorgehensweise 1. Wählen Sie, um den Kalender zu öffnen. 2. Um das Fenster Kalendereinstellungen zu öffnen, wählen Sie das Symbol Formulareinstellungen. 61601 In der Registerkarte Kalendereinstellungen 8211 Allgemein definieren Sie Farbschemata und allgemeine Anzeigeeinstellungen. 61601 In der Registerkarte Kalendereinstellungen 8211 Arbeitswoche definieren Sie Arbeitstage und Arbeitsstunden. 61601 In der Registerkarte Kalendereinstellungen 8211 Benutzer definieren die Anzeigeeinstellungen für andere Benutzer. 3. Wählen Sie Aktualisieren, um Ihre Einstellungen zu speichern und OK, um das Fenster zu schließen. Definieren der Kontosegmentierung Verwendung Mit dem Kontosystem in SAP Business One können Sie Konten basierend auf Segmenten erstellen. Diese Option wird vor allem in den USA eingesetzt. Bei der Erstellung eines neuen Unternehmens legen Sie eine Kontosegmentierung fest. Sobald Konten erstellt wurden, können Sie nicht zurückkehren. Vorgehensweise 1. Gehen Sie zu Administration 174 Systeminitialisierung 8594 Firmendetails. 2. Wählen Sie die Registerkarte Basis-Initialisierung. 174 Verwenden Sie Segmentierungskonten. 3. Wählen Sie Aktualisieren, um die Einstellungen zu speichern und OK, um das Fenster zu schließen. 4. Wählen Sie System Initialisierung 174 Allgemeine Einstellungen. 5. Wählen Sie die Registerkarte Anzeige und geben Sie ein Trennzeichen in Konto-Segment-Trennzeichen ein. Zum Beispiel ein Minus (8211). Geben Sie nicht asterisk () oder Zahlen ein. 6. Wählen Sie Aktualisieren, um zu speichern und OK, um das Fenster Allgemeine Einstellungen zu schließen. 7. Wählen Sie unter Administration die Option Definitionen aus. 8594 Konto-Segmentierung definieren. Standardmäßig gibt es vier Segmente im System. Sie können bis zu 10 Segmente hinzufügen und Name, Größe und Typ für jedes Segment ändern. 8. Doppelklicken Sie auf eine Zeile, um das Segment zu klassifizieren. Es erscheint ein ähnliches Fenster, in dem Sie jedes Segment nach Ihrer Unternehmenseinstufung kategorisieren können. 9. Für jede Klassifikation definieren Sie Code, Name und einen Kurznamen. Beachten Sie, dass das Code-Feld durch den Wert, den Sie in Größe für dieses Segment angegeben haben, begrenzt ist. Zum Beispiel klassifizieren Sie das Department-Segment nach der Anzahl der Abteilungen in Ihrem Unternehmen jeder Abteilung erhält einen zweistelligen Code. Einkauf Verwendung Folgende können aus der Verwaltung definiert werden 174 Einrichten 174 Puchasing Definieren von Landed Costs Perpetual Inventory Zweck Ein ewiges Inventarsystem spiegelt den Wert der Bestandsbuchungen im Sinne von Geldtransaktionen im Rechnungswesen wider. Diese monetären Transaktionen werden nur durchgeführt, wenn Gegenstände, die als WH (Warehousing) Posten definiert sind, eingegangen sind oder aus dem Lager freigegeben werden. Während der Grundinitialisierung sollte ein ewiges Inventarsystem ermittelt werden, bevor Transaktionen gebucht wurden. Es gibt drei mögliche Kalkulationsmethoden, die für die Berechnung des Inventarwertes verwendet werden: 8226 9679 Moving Average Diese Option berechnet den Inventarwert um den Posten Kostenpreis. Auf der Registerkarte Inventardaten (im Hauptmenü siehe Inventar 174 Position Stammdaten 174 Registerkarte Inventurdaten) wird das Feld Kaufpreis gefunden. Dieses Feld wird durch jede Bestandsbuchung dynamisch aktualisiert. 8226 9679 Standard Diese Option berechnet den Inventarwert zu einem festen Preis. Das Feld Kostenpreis befindet sich ebenfalls auf der Registerkarte Inventardaten (siehe oben). Der Artikelstandardstandard sollte vor Beginn der Arbeit in Ihrem Unternehmen eingestellt werden. 8226 9679 FIFO Diese Option berechnet den Inventarwert nach der FIFO-Methode (first in first out). Jede Inventur-Quittungstransaktion erzeugt eine Schicht von Mengen, die mit Kosten verbunden sind, wobei jede Inventarfreigabe-Transaktion Mengen und ihre entsprechenden Kosten aus den ersten offenen Schichten verwendet. Voraussetzungen 8226 9679 Aus dem SAP Business One Hauptmenü wählen Sie Administration 174 System Initialisierung 174 Firmendetails 174 Registerkarte Basis Initialisierung. Um ein ewiges Inventarsystem zu initialisieren und die Standardbewertungsmethode zu ermitteln, markieren Sie das Kontrollkästchen Inventarbewertung durch. Sie können die Bestandsbewertung nach Checkbox nicht auswählen, nachdem Bestandsbuchungen erfasst wurden. Darüber hinaus können Sie dieses Kontrollkästchen nicht löschen, nachdem ein Dokument erstellt wurde, das eine automatische Bestandsbuchung hinzugefügt hat, z. B. eine Lieferung, Wareneingang und so weiter. 8226 9679 Wählen Sie im Hauptmenü die Option Administration 174 Definitionen 174 Finanzdaten 174 GL-Kontoermittlung 174 Registerkarte Inventar Definieren Sie primäre GL-Konten, die als Standard in neuen Lagern, Positionsgruppen und Positionen Stammdaten ausgewählt werden sollen. 8226 9679 Wählen Sie im Hauptmenü die Option Administration 174 Definitionen. 8226 9679 Eröffnungskonto eröffnen Wählen Sie aus dem Hauptmenü Finanzen 174 Kontenplan und erstellen Sie ein Opening Stock GL-Konto. Dieses GL-Konto wird als Verrechnungskonto für das Lagerbestandskonto verwendet, zu dem Sie Anfangsmengen eingeben. Wenn Sie Anfangsmengen eingeben (aus dem Hauptmenü wählen Sie Inventar 174 Inventurgeschäfte 174 Anfangsmengen Inventurverfolgung und Bestandsbuchung 174 Geben Sie die Registerkarte Anfangsmenge ein), nachdem Sie auf OK geklickt haben, müssen Sie den Eröffnungsbestandcode im oberen Teil des das Fenster. 8226 9679 GL-Konten in den Artikelstammdaten einstellen. (Im Hauptmenü wählen Sie Inventar 174Item Stammdaten 174 Registerkarte Inventurdaten) 8226 9679 Definieren Sie die Standard-GL-Methode in den Item-Stammdaten. (Aus dem Hauptmenü wählen Sie Administration 174 Systeminitialisierung 174 Allgemeine Einstellungen 174 Registerkarte Inventar) Prozessablauf Wählen Sie den Link zur entsprechenden Arbeitsweise: 8226 9679 Perpetual Inventory System von Moving Average 8226 9679 Perpetual Inventory System nach Standard Preis 8226 9679 Perpetual Inventory System nach FIFO-Währungen - Setup-Fenster Definition Die folgende Tabelle beschreibt die Spalten, die im Fenster Währungen 8211 Definitionen erscheinen. Um auf dieses Fenster aus dem SAP Business One Hauptmenü zuzugreifen, wählen Sie Administration 174 Setup 174 Finanzen 174 Währungen. Währungen 8211 Setup Window Field DescriptionActivity Code Geben Sie einen Code für die Währung ein. Die Codelänge darf drei Zeichen nicht überschreiten. Zum Beispiel: USD, EUR. Wenn Sie das Payment Engine-Add-on verwenden, empfehlen wir Ihnen dringend, eine international vereinbarte Abkürzung als Währungscode zu definieren. Auf diese Weise stellen Sie sicher, dass die Bank die von der Payment Engine erstellte Bankdatei akzeptiert. Währung Geben Sie den Namen der Währung ein. Dieser Name erscheint in der Dropdown-Liste für eine Währung in verschiedenen Fenstern. International Code Geben Sie einen internationalen Code ein, um diese Währung in gedruckten Schecks zu vertreten, zum Beispiel:, 8364. Internationale Beschreibung, Hunderte Name Spalten Geben Sie den internationalen Namen der Währung und den Namen der Währung8217s Dezimaleinheit ein. Diese Information ist für das Drucken von Schecks in dieser Währung erforderlich, so dass der numerische Betrag in Worten dargestellt werden kann. Rundung Diese Spalte erscheint nur, wenn die gewählte Rundungsmethode nach Währung ist. Wählen Sie eine der folgenden Optionen aus: 8226 No Rounding 8211 Wählen Sie, um eine Rundung für Beträge in dieser Währung zu vermeiden. 8226 Round to Five Hundertstel 8211 Beispielergebnisse für diese Option sind wie folgt: 4.22 wird 4,20 und 4,24 wird 4,25. 8226 Round to Ten Hunderte 8211 Beispielergebnisse für diese Option sind wie folgt: 4.19 wird 4,20 und 4,14 wird 4.10 8226 Round to One 8211 Runden auf die nächste ganze Zahl. Zum Beispiel wird 4.23 4.2.283 Round to Ten 8211 Ein Beispielergebnis für diese Option ist wie folgt: 5.8 wird 10. Dezimalstellen Wählen Sie die gewünschte Dezimalrundung für jede Währung aus. Die ausgewählte Option wirkt sich auf folgende Felder aus: 8226 9679 Preis 8226 9679 Zeilenzahl 8226 9679 Beleggesamt Wenn Sie Voreinstellung wählen, wird die Dezimalanzeige durch die in der Berechtigung 174 Allgemeine Einstellungen 174 angezeigten Parameter bestimmt. Abrunden in Pmnt Wählen Sie, um Werte in Zahlungsbelegen zu runden. Länderspezifische Felder Schweiz Feld BeschreibungAktivität ISR Berechnung Wählen Sie aus, um festzustellen, dass die Währung der ISR-Berechnung unterliegt. Indexes 8211 Setup-Fenster Definition Die folgende Tabelle beschreibt die Felder, die im Indexes 8211 Setup-Fenster erscheinen. Um dieses Fenster zu öffnen, wählen Sie: Administration 174 Setup 174 Finanzdaten 174 Indizes. Indexes 8211 Setup-Fenster Feld BeschreibungActivity Code, Name Geben Sie einen Code und einen Namen für jeden Index ein. Der Indexcode ist eindeutig und kann mit bis zu 3 Zeichen kombiniert werden. Dokumentennummerierung Verwendung Verwenden Sie dieses Fenster, um die Nummerierung von Dokumenten in der gesamten Anwendung zu definieren, insbesondere für die Modelle, Verkauf, Banken, Inventar und Produktion. Abhängig von den gesetzlichen Anforderungen des Landes und der Gesellschaft8217s kann für jede Abteilung oder Organisationseinheit eine unterschiedliche Belegnummerierung festgelegt werden. Bei der Festlegung der Nummernkreise, betrachten Sie nicht nur ein Jahr voraus, sondern lassen Sie genug Platz für mehrere Jahre, wenn die Nummerierung für mehr als ein Jahr ist. Wenn Sie eine andere Serie erstellen, ordnen Sie sie anderen Benutzern im Setup-Setup zu. Auf diese Weise können Sie verschiedene Serien für jede Abteilung oder Branche innerhalb des Unternehmens definieren und jedem Zweig einen Nummernkreis zuordnen. Sie können auch zusätzliche Nummernkreise für einen Belegtyp festlegen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Definieren zusätzlicher Nummernkreise für einen Belegtyp. Die Namen der internen Dokumente können angepasst werden, aber die ursprünglichen Namen können bei Bedarf wiederhergestellt werden. Um auf das Fenster Dokumentennummerierung zuzugreifen, wählen Sie Administration 174 System Initialisierung 174 Dokumentennummerierung. Dokumentnummernfelder Feld BeschreibungAktivitätsdokument Zeigt die Belegarten an, für die Sie die Nummerierung definieren. Serie Geben Sie die für die Nummerierung eines Belegtyps angegebene Serie ein. Die Standardreihe wird angezeigt. Erste Nr. Geben Sie die erste Nummer ein, die für eine Dokumentart verwendet werden soll. SAP Business One ordnet diese Nummer dem ersten Dokument zu, das Sie eingeben und dann die Dokumente nacheinander zitieren. Nächste Nr. Geben Sie die Nummer ein, die SAP Business One dem nächsten Dokument des entsprechenden Typs zuweist. Dieser Wert wird jedes Mal aktualisiert, wenn ein neues Dokument erstellt wird. Ist der Wert in dieser Spalte nicht gleich dem Wert in der Spalte Erste Spalte und Dokumente dieser Art wurden bereits eingegeben, so kann die Nummerierung der entsprechenden Belegart nicht mehr geändert werden. Last Nr. Geben Sie die letzte Nummer ein, die für ein Dokument dieses Typs vergeben werden kann. Geben Sie einen Wert ein, wenn Sie eine weitere Serie zur Nummerierung definieren möchten. Namensänderung Klicken Sie auf dieses Feld, um das Fenster Change Internal Document Name zu öffnen und die Belegnamen zu ändern. Ursprüngliche Namen Klicken Sie auf dieses Feld, um cust zurückzukehren. Dokumenteinstellungen: Registerkarte "Allgemein" In diesem Fenster können Sie Standardeinstellungen für Dokumenttypen in SAP Business One definieren. Auf der Registerkarte Allgemein legen Sie Einstellungen für Verkaufs - und Einkaufsbelege fest. Um auf die Registerkarte aus dem SAP Business One Hauptmenü zuzugreifen, wählen Sie Administration 174 System Initialisierung 174 Dokument Einstellungen 174 Allgemein. Struktur Allgemeines Registerfelder Feld BeschreibungAktivität Berechnen Bruttogewinn, Grundpreis Ursprung Wählen Sie, um die Bruttoergebnisberechnung in Verkaufsbelegen zu aktivieren. Wenn Sie einen Verkaufsbeleg öffnen, steht die Option Bruttogewinn aus dem Menü Springen, der Symbolleiste und dem Kontextmenü zur Verfügung. Sobald Sie es ausgewählt haben, erscheint das Feld Basispreis. Um die verfügbaren Optionen anzuzeigen, klicken Sie auf. The options are: 8226 9679 Price Lists 1 to 10 8211 SAP Business One calculates gross profit based on the item8217s price on the selected price list. 8226 9679 Last Purchase Price 8211 SAP Business One calculates gross profit based on the item8217s price in the last purchase. For this option, make sure to import or fill out the last purchase prices from the previous company. Otherwise, the calculation is incorrect. 8226 9679 Last Evaluated Price 8211 SAP Business One calculates the gross profit based on the value found in the last run of the Inventory Valuation report. 8226 9679 Item Cost 8211 SAP Business One calculates the gross profit based on the item cost in the relevant warehouse. SAP Business One will recalculate the Item Cost for gross profit calculations only until an inventory transaction for the item has been posted to the system. For example, when the goods are delivered using a Delivery document. Calculate Gross Profit as: Define if the gross profit percentage should be calculated as the base price or the sales price. Document remarks include: Select whether the remarks on the marketing documents include the base document number, or the customer or vendor reference number. When you enter a sales document with a reference to a base document, the number of the base document appears. The displayed number can either be an internal number assigned to the document by SAP Business One, or the customervendor reference number from the base document. When you choose to display the customervendor reference number and no such number is entered in the base document, the relevant field remains blank in the document that is created with reference to the base document. For a Sales BOM in documents, display: Select the Price and total for parent items only if you only want to display the total price for the sold product. Select the Price for components if you want to display the prices of the components. In this case, the total price is calculated as the total of the component prices. If a sales bill of material is defined for a product, this BOM appears in the sales document. The sales document displays both the sold product and the components that contribute to this product. When you select this radio button, you determine whether the sales price of the item should be displayed at the level of the sold product or at the level of the components in the sales document. Response to release of inventory below the minimum level: Define a minimum inventory level in the master record for an item that you manage in your warehouse. Use these options to define the system response when the inventory level falls below this minimum quantity as the result of a sales document. This check is performed for sales documents that contain a goods issue, such as deliveries or invoices. You define whether or not a warning message appears when the sales document is entered. If a warning appears in the sales document, it can be ignored. You can also specify that the sales document cannot be entered select the Block Release check box. Manage inventory by whse Defines whether the check is performed for the warehouse selected in the document row. If you select the checkbox, the system checks the minimum inventory level in the warehouse that was selected for the item when the sales document was entered. If the transaction causes the inventory level in that warehouse to fall below the minimum inventory level, a warning message appears even if the total available inventory of the item is greater than the minimum warehouse quantity. If you do not select this checkbox, the system checks the total available inventory in all warehouses where this item is stored. You can also define automatic notification for a specific user when the inventory level falls below the minimum level. A purchase transaction can then be initiated. Block negative inventory Select to block documents that would cause the level of inventory to fall below zero. If you deselect the checkbox, the message 8220Negative inventory usage is not in accordance with accounting rules. Are you sure you want to enable negative inventory usage8221 If you select Manage inventory by whse and Block negative inventory, SAP Business One calculates the block per warehouse. However, if the item is not handled by a warehouse and you do not select Manage inventory by Whse, the block is calculated for all the warehouses. Rounding Method Select whether the amounts and prices that appear in marketing documents should be rounded by currency or by document. Exchange rate base date (AP documents) Chooses the date on which the system calculates the exchange rate: 8226 9679 Posting Date 8226 9679 Document Date Round tax amount in rows Select to set the rounding of tax amounts per document row. If this option is deselected, document rows display the not rounded tax amount, and the system will round tax amounts per tax groups. Display rounding remark Select to determine whether a remark will be displayed in the Remarks field of the sales document when an amount has been rounded. If you select the checkbox, a remark in a foreign-currency invoice for a customer is displayed stating that the discount amount is different from the discount percentage due to rounding. Use warehouse address Select if you want the Ship To address of the purchase document (Logistics tab) to be the warehouse address. If this checkbox is deselected, the Ship To address will be the address of the company as defined in Administration 174 System Initialization 174 Company Details 174 General tab. Manage freight in documents Select to add a Freight field in all sales and purchasing documents. This field allows you to calculate additional costs connected to a document, such as, delivery charges and deposit tax. Block documents with earlier posting date Select to block the posting process of the documents that creates automatic accounting journal entries (invoice, credit memo, deposit, and payment documents). Allow future posting date Select to be able to create documents with future posting dates. Companies can create documents with future posting dates at the company level and then decide whether to apply this option to all the documents or only to those selected. Calculate the row total using the unit price Select to calculate the row total in marketing documents as follows: Unit Price x Discount x Quantity. The Unit Price is the price before discount. If you leave the checkbox deselected, the row total is calculated as follows: Price after Discount x Quantity. If you select the checkbox, the Price after Discount in marketing documents is disabled. For more information, see Sales Document: Contents Tab or Purchasing Document: Contents Tab. Company Details: Basic Initialization Tab Definition The following table describes the fields that appear on the Basic Initialization tab of the Company Details window. To access this window, choose Administration 174 System Initialization 174 Company Details 174 Basic Initialization tab. Company Details: Basic Initialization Tab Field DescriptionActivity Chart of Accounts Template Select the chart of accounts that is the valid legal form for your company, or define your own by selecting User Defined. Alternatively, import the chart of accounts data from your legacy system. We recommend using one of the existing standard chart of accounts and adapting it to the company8217s needs as required. Defining the entire chart of accounts is a long, complex procedure. Local Currency Select the local currency. The currencies defined in SAP Business One are available in the list. To define a new currency, select Define New. System Currency SAP Business One can manage all transactions in a system currency parallel to the local currency. Select the required system currency from the list. To define a new currency, select Define New. If defining a system currency that is not identical to the local (national) currency, the system currency can be used as the reporting currency. For example, the corporate group requires a different reporting currency from the national currency. Also define a daily exchange rate for the system currency. Every document, and all reports and balance sheets are posted in accounting in both currencies. If you do not have a reporting requirement in another currency, set the system currency to your local currency. Default Account Currency Determines the default account currency for new accounts: 8226 8226 Local Currency: Transactions can be only in the defined local currency. 8226 8226 Multi-Currency: Transactions can be in local and system currencies. However, totals may not be displayed in all situations when different currencies have been used. Display Credit Balance with Negative Sign Select to display credit balances with a negative sign. According to the default settings, debit balances are displayed with a negative sign. This option cannot be changed after postings have been created in SAP Business One. This setting influences the entry of beginning balances for the GL accounts and business partners. Depending on this setting, the opening balances must be entered as positive or negative numbers. We recommend accepting the default setting, as this reflects the local requirements. Use Segmentation Accounts Select to specify if segments of information should be added to the standard account codes, such as division, region, cost center, and so on. for detailed transaction tracking and reporting. Use Negative Amount for Reverse Transaction Selecting this option results in journal entries where the reversal is booked with negative amounts. If you do not select this option, the journal entry of the reversal is booked using a debitcredit switch. This setting can be changed at any time. Select If One Series Can Contain More Than One Document Type Certain country regulations permit document numbering series that contain more than one document type. All of these documents are part of the same numbering series. Select this option if these regulations are relevant for the company. This setting determines the settings that are displayed in certain Document Numbering windows. This option cannot be changed after it has been selected. Multi-Language Support Select to enable the Multi-Language Support function in the company. Use this function to translate field names in SAP Business One to foreign languages and print them in documents you send to foreign business partners. Default Valuation Method Select one of the following: 8226 Moving Average: choose this option to calculate the inventory value by the items cost price. The items Cost Price field is found in Inventory 174 Item Master Data 174 Inventory Data tab. This field is updated dynamically by every stock receipt posting. 8226 Standard Price: choose this option to calculate the inventory value by a fixed price. The Cost Price field is found in Inventory 174 Item Master Data 174 Inventory Data tab page. The items standard price should be set before you start working in your company. 8226 FIFO: choose this option to calculate the inventory value by the FIFO method (first in first out). Each inventory receipt transaction creates a layer of quantities linked to costs each inventory release transaction will use quantities and their corresponding costs from the first open layers. Manage Item Cost Per Warehouse Determines that inventory pricing is calculated for each warehouse. Use Purchase Accounts Posting System In localizations where purchase accounting is used, selecting this option enables purchase accounting. Once journal entries have been made, this setting cannot be modified. Allow Stock Release Without Item Price Permits items to be included in documents such as deliveries or AR invoices, even when a cost price has not been determined. Select when the inventory valuation is performed according to moving average or FIFO. If you selected Standard Price, a price has already been defined. Ordering Party This field is required for the interface with the Payment Engine add-on. House Bank Enter the companys default bank account and branch information. Country-Specific Fields Chile, France, Italy, Spain and Portugal Field DescriptionActivity Use Bill of Exchange Select to indicate that the company uses bills of exchange (BoE). If not selected, all references to BoE in SAP Business One are hidden. When a BoE transaction is added, Use Bill of Exchange cannot be disabled. This option is relevant for Italy, Portugal, Spain and France and activated by default. Israel Field DescriptionActivity Hierarchical Deduction at Source Select to indicate that the company uses hierarchical deduction at source method for tax deduction. Once this option is selected, the Define Deduction Groups button appears. Choose this button to open the Define Deduction Groups 8211 Setup window, in which you can define the relevant deduction groups for your company. GL Account Determination Use This window enables you to define default GL accounts to be used when all types of transactions are created in SAP Business One. This window is divided into four tabs. Each tab contains the definitions for GL accounts related to a specific area of the business activity: Sales, Purchase, General and Inventory. To access this window, choose: Administration 174 Definitions 174 Financials 174 GL Account Determination. Print Preferences: General Tab Definition Field Activity Description Max. Rows per Page Enter the maximum number of table rows per page. If more than the specified number of table rows has to be printed for a document, the excess rows are automatically printed on additional pages. The maximum number of table rows per page is usually between 10 and 40, depending on the margins defined for the printer, the page format and the vertical compression. Print with Vertical Compression Specify the vertical compression percentage to be applied to the document. When you specify the value 100, the characters are printed in their original size. When you specify the value 70, the printed characters will be compressed by 70. You can also specify values greater than 100. When you specify a vertical compression less than 100, you can print more rows on each page. Top Margin (cm), Bottom Margin (cm) Define the appropriate print margins in centimeters if, for example, you want to print the document on company letterhead. Max. Rows per Page During Export Specify the maximum number of table rows per page when exporting the document to Microsoft Word. If more than the specified number of table rows has to be exported, additional pages are created automatically. The maximum number of table rows per page is dependent on the margins defined for the pages and the page format of the Microsoft Word template. Print on Letter Paper Select this check box if you want to print the documents on company letterhead to deactivate your company details in the printout. Documents will be printed without your company details. Print SAP Business One Generation Message If you do not want the printed documents to contain the information that the document was created using SAP Business One, select this check box. Transaction Codes - Setup Window Definition The following table describes the fields that appear in the Transaction Codes 8211 Definitions window. To access this window, choose Administration 174 Definitions 174 Financials 174 Transaction Codes. Transaction Codes 8211 Setup Window Field DescriptionActivity Code, Description Enter a code and a description for the transaction code. The code can be a combination of up to four characters. Defining Payment Terms Use Use this function to define the payment terms that apply to transactions with customers and vendors. Enter the payment terms defined here in the master records of customers and vendors. The payment term specified here is proposed automatically when you create a master record. You can then change this data for each customer or vendor. The payment terms represent the typical agreements you have with your customers and vendors. Therefore, you do not have to define this information from scratch for each customer and vendor. When a purchasing or sales document is entered for a vendor or customer, SAP Business One automatically copies the information on the payment period, price list, and total discount in the document. This information is used, to calculate the prices for the items, the due date of an invoice, or the total discount allowed etc. You can also change the payment term data manually in the transaction itself if a special agreement was made for that transaction. In addition, the information on the credit limit is copied from the payment term to the customer master record and then to the sales document, and can be used for a credit check. Sales Employees 8211 Setup Window Definition Defining a sales employee is mandatory if the company works with commissions. The sales employee can be assigned to a business partner, and can also be linked in the Employee Master Data window to an employee. If the company does not have any sales persons, this definition can be used for other employees such as drivers or service people. If the sales employees name is modified, it will impact the history log. After entering the data for a sales employee, choose Update. The cursor moves to a new row so another sales employee can be defined. To remove a sales employee, choose the sales employees name, right-click and select Remove. To display this window, choose Administration 174 Setup 174 General 174 Sales Employees Field DescriptionActivity Sales Employee Name Enter the name of the sales employee, can be alphanumeric. Remarks Enter a remark for each sales employee, for example, to identify the region or industry in which that sales employee is active (optional). Set as Default The default sales employee appears by default in the master data and transactions however, it can be changed as required in each case. The default sales employee appears in bold. You can change this setting at any time. It is preferable to define a different default sales employee for each groups of users. Commission Groups - Setup Window Definition Commissions can be defined for a sales employee, an item, or a customer. The commission is determined when a sales document is entered and saved for all the rows in the document. The Commission Groups define the commissions that are given internally to the sales employees. The commissions are calculated in a report and are not posted to any accounts. To define the commission, see Defining the Calculation of Commissions. To calculate commissions for each sales employee, define the commission groups and assign them to the sales employees. The percentage of the commission appears in the rows of the sales document. To calculate commissions for an item or customer, specify the defined commission groups in the master record for that item or customer. If a commission has been defined for a customer in the business partner master data, that commission is applied in the sales document. If a commission has been defined for the sales employee and for the customer, the customer commission is applied in the sales document. If the data is changed it changes the history in all documents. The commission is calculated through a report and not accrued continuously on an account. All the data in a commission group can be altered but not removed. This setting is mandatory if the company works with commissions. Removing a Commission Group can be only be done if a user has the correct permissions. Choose the Commission Groups name, right-click and select Data 174 Remove. To display this window, choose Administration 174 Setup 174 General 174 Define Commission Groups Defining the Calculation of Commissions Prerequisites For the system to calculate commissions automatically, select the appropriate check box in the System Initialization 174 General Settings 174 Sales tab, either Sales Employee, Item, or Customer. The corresponding fields for sales employee, item, or customer is only visible and active when this check box is selected. This setting influences where the sales commission percentage can be specified. It does not automatically calculate the commission transactions. This setting can be changed at any time, but must be filled in if the company works with commissions. To calculate commissions for each sales employee, define the commission groups and assign them to the sales employees, see Define Commission Groups. To calculate commissions for an item or customer, specify the defined commission groups in the master record for that item or customer. The sales employee from the customer master record is used in the sales document. If a commission has been defined for that sales employee, that commission is applied, and the percentage of the commission appears in the rows of the document. If a commission has been defined for a customer in the master record, that commission is applied in the sales document. If a commission has been defined for the sales employee and for the customer, the latter definition applies in the sales document. The commission for the item has not been considered yet in the logic for the sales documents at this point. The percentage in the detailed information for a row in the sales document can be modified. Evaluate the commissions using the predefined system queries or user defined queries. Procedure 1. The sys automatically positions the cursor on the first active row. 1. In the Define Commission Groups window, enter the name for the commission group and the corresponding percentage. 2. Choose Update. The cursor then moves to a new row and another commission group can be defined. Commission groups can also be defined at a later stage. The table contains an entry for commissions to be specified manually (Manual Commission). This entry does not define a percentage, and cannot be modified, it is specified in the master record for an item or a customer in this case. When the commission group is specified in the master record, the corresponding percentage is used, and the percentage field is not active for an Item or a Customer. 3. Choose Update then OK to save the data. Inventory Use The following can be defined from Administration 174 Setup 174 Inventory Item Groups 8211 Setup Item Properties Warehouses Length and Width UoM - Setup Weight UoM - Setup Customs Groups - Setup Manufacturers Shipping Types Locations Inventory Cyles - Setup Package Types Defining Users Procedure 1. To display the Users - Setup window, choose Administration 174 Setup 174 General 174 Users. 2. Switch to Add mode. Enter the user specific information, see Users - Setup Window. If the user is to have superuser permissions, check the Superuser checkbox. Note that authorizations for superusers cannot be modified, therefore select this options carefully. See Authorizations. 3. As required, define the users defaults, by choosing the icon to right of the Defaults field. The Choose From List window provides a selection of existing defaults. 4. To define new defaults, in the List of User Defaults window, choose New. The User Defaults window displays. Set the defaults in this window, see User Defaults Window. 5. Choose Add, then OK in all relevant windows. Defining Authorizations Definition Authorizations are defined per user. Each user can have the same permissions throughout the system, or can have different permissions per module and sub module. Note that permissions for super users cannot be modified. The following options are available for defining the various authorizations for a user: 8226 8226 Full Authorization: the user is able to display and modify data for that function. per module. 8226 8226 Read Only: the user can only view, but not change data. 8226 8226 No Authorization: the user has no access to that function. Each users authorizations are displayed in the Authorizations Window. Various Authorizations is displayed for modules with mixed authorizations, such as full authorization for some submodules and read-only for other submodules. The main menu is not automatically updated according to the authorizations. To display or hide certain modules or submodules, use the Form Settings 8211Main Menu window, and select or deselect the Visible boxes as appropriate for each module. Encryption can also be used to hide confidential data in the system. For certain users, the encoded characters are displayed instead of the actual digits and characters. Prerequisites Users must be predefined in the system, as either regular or superusers. Procedure 1. Choose Administration 174 System Initialization 174 Authorizations 174 General Authorizations. The Authorizations window displays with the list of users. 2. To grant full authorization to a user for all functions in all modules, choose the Full Authorization button at the bottom of the window. 3. To grant read authorization to a user for all functions in all modules, choose the Read Only button at the bottom of the window. The user can then display all the data in the system, but cannot make any changes. 4. To completely limit access, choose the No Authorization button at the bottom of the window. The user will not be able to view or change any of the data. 5. To provide different permissions for each module or sub module, in the table, click on the authorization and select the required permission from the dropdown list. 6. To set a global maximum discount, enter the required discount in the Max. Discount field, up to 100. 7. To set a maximum cash amount a user can enter in an incoming payment, select the Max. Cash Total box and enter the required amount. 8. To hide certain data using encryption, select the Use Encryption box, then choose the Encryption Table button. In the Encryption Table window that displays, enter the character that should appear in place of that character. Choose OK to save the changes. 9. Choose Update to save the changes in the Authorizations window. Defining Approval Procedures Prerequisites Identify the approval processes at the company. This can include approvals for purchase orders or for a customer to exceed a defined credit limit. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Administration 174 System Initialization 174 General Settings and, on the Sales tab, select the Manage Document Generation Authorizations checkbox. Users defined as Originators of the documents requiring approval cannot change this setting. Procedure 1. If approval stages have not been defined, under Administration 174 Approval Procedures 174 Approval Stages, enter a name for each stage and, if preferred, a description of the stage. See Approval Stages 8211 Setup Window. 2. In the No. of Approvals Required field, enter the number of users that are required for approval of each stage. It is often useful to have more than one approver if one of the approvers is absent, another approver can still approve a document. 3. Enter the name of each of the users with approval privileges. By default, their department is taken from the user account. You can override this when you define approval procedures. 4. To save the data, choose Add. 5. Choose Administration 174 Approval Procedures 174 Approval Templates and enter the name of the approval procedure, such as budget, exceed credit limit, and so on (see Approval Templates Window). Since you may have several procedures for the same topic, it is also useful to provide a description. 6. If this template is required as part of the approval procedure, select the Active checkbox. A template can be inactive for certain situations where a conflict might arise with other procedures, or when it is no longer required. 7. On the Originator tab, enter the user who requires approval for his or her documents. Multiple users can be assigned to an approval procedure 8. On the Documents tab, select the documents that will be processed through this approval procedure. 9. On the Stages tab, select one or more approval stages (or steps) that have been defined in the Approval Stages 8211 Setup window. 10. On the Terms tab, if you select Always, this approval procedure is applied to all combinations of the selected originators and documents. To define specific conditions when this approval procedure should be followed, select When the Following Applies. If you choose When the Following Applies, two tables are displayed. The upper table contains predefined conditions that can be selected. The Choose column allows users to apply one or more tests using the predefined variables. The Term column contains the list of predefined variables. The Ratio column contains a list of predefined mathematical operators to compare to the selected variable. Enter the threshold amount in the Value column. If the term is compared to this amount using the selected ratio and the comparison holds true, then the approval procedure is triggered. The lower table permits selection of one or more saved queries for execution. If the result of the saved query is 8220True8221, then the approval procedure is triggered. An approval procedure can be contingent upon both multiple predefined variable comparisons and multiple saved queries A total for the number of selected conditions displays at the bottom of the window. 11. To save the data, choose Add. 12. To update an Approval Stage, switch the Define Stages window to the Find mode and use standard search functions to locate the required stage. 13. Modify the information as required and choose Update, then OK to save the data. Defining Alert Services Use Alerts can be defined to automatically send a message to selected users in the system whenever certain events occur. Messages triggered by alerts can be sent internally, or externally by e-mail, SMS message, or fax. The settings for the Alert Services are optional and can be changed at any time. Procedure 1. Choose Administration 174 System Initialization 174 General Settings, Services Tab 2. Define whether the Inbox should be displayed once a message arrives or not, by selecting the checkbox with that name. 3. Define the refresh time for the Inbox. The default is 5 minutes. 4. Define whether you want to Display Recurring Postings on Execution by selecting the checkbox with that name. 5. Define whether to Send Alert for Contacts Scheduled for Today by selecting the checkbox with that name. 6. Choose Update and then OK to save the settings. Defining Address Formats Procedure 1. Choose Administration 174 Setup 174 Business Partners 174 Address Formats. The Address Formats - Setup window appears. 2. Enter a name for the address format. 3. Drag the required address options found on the right of the table using the mouse. 4. Add a new row to the table when you have finished editing a current one, by choosing Data 174 Add Row. The number of defined rows can be viewed in the first column in the table. 5. Choose an optoin in the table to customize it to your needs. This will display additional fields allowing you to design the text type 6. Add required text using the Free Text option (last option in the list beside the table). 7. Observe the final layout of the format displayed at the bottom left 8. Choose Add to save the new format. If you make changes in an existing format, choose Update to save your changes. You can move information from one cell to another by dragging a cell with the mouse. You can also delete rows from the table. Choose a row number and select Delete Row from the Data menu. Countries 8211 Setup Window Defintion This window contains a list of countries. Each country is linked to an address format relevant for marketing documents. To access this window, choose Administration 174 Setup 174 Business Partners 174 Countries Field DescriptionActivity Code, Name Enter the country8217s code and name. Code for Report Enter the country code for the reports. Address Format Each country is assigned to an address format. This format determines the structure of the address in marketing documents. You may select a different format, according to the country8217s regulations, or define a new one. EU Countries which are members of the European Union are specified as EU. This definition is relevant for tax regulations when you define addresses for business partners and when you create documents. Defining Territories Use You can use territories to manage a geographic location, brand, or item category and its hierarchy. You can move territories using Drag and Drop to change their hierarchy within the window. Adding and Updating a Territory You can add territories either as independent, which sets the Territory as a parent, or as a child. The first time you open this window is opened, you can add a new territory. 1. To add a territory, from the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Administration 174 Setup 174 General 174 Territories. 2. Highlight the territory that is the parent or child for the new territory and choose either Add Same-Level or Add Sub-Level. 3. To change the location of the territory, highlight and drag it to the required location in the text area. Alternatively, you can choose the placement from the list in the Location Order field. 4. To change the parent territory, choose the required parent from the list. 5. To save the data, choose Update and OK. InactivatingActivating a Territory 1. To inactivate a territory, choose Set Inactive. 2. To save the data, choose Update and OK. Deleting a Territory 2. 1. Before you delete a territory, ensure that it is not linked to another function, for example, a Sales Opportunity. 2. To delete the territory, right-click a territory and choose Remove. Projects 8211 Setup Window Definition The following table describes the fields in the Projects 8211 Setup window. In the SAP Business One main menu, choose: Administration 174 Setup 174 Financials 174 Projects to open this window.. Projects 8211 Setup Window Field DescriptionActivity Project Enter the project code. The code can be a combination of up to eight characters. Project Name Enter the full name of the project. General Settings: Display Tab Definition This tab is used to define certain settings for the way in which different variables, such as dates, numerical values and currencies, are displayed. In countries such as Denmark, Norway and Finland, where the payment invoice is created from the invoice document number, use only numeric prefixes and suffixes for AR invoices. To access this tab from the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Administration 174 System Initialization 174 General Settings 174 Display tab. Display Tab Fields Field DescriptionActivity Language Select the language that SAP Business One should use for display. Color Select the background color for the active windows. Select Combined to define a background color individually for different windows in various colors. To select a background color for a window, open the required window and choose from the menu bar Window 174 Color. Select the required color. Default Length UoM, Default Weight UoM Define the standard units for various length and weight units for items in Item and Warehouse Management. When a new item is defined in SAP Business One, these length and weight units are proposed automatically. Time Format Determine whether SAP Business One displays time in 12-hour or 24-hour format. If you choose the 24-hour format, then 1 p. m. will be displayed as 13:00. If you choose the 12-hour format, it will be displayed as 1:00. Date Format Define how the date is displayed throughout SAP Business One. The settings in these fields do not affect how dates are entered in SAP Business One. The date can, however, be displayed differently from the way it is entered. Separator Define the character that will be displayed in the date format between the date fields. That is, between the day and month, and month and year. Ext. Image Processing Define the resolution SAP Business One uses to display images. If you choose Full, the image will be displayed in the resolution saved in the image file. Try to print images using the default option first. If the images are not print as desired, select a different option for this field. Note that the selected value affects only the logged in user. Max Records in Choose from List Rows Define the maximum number of rows that will be displayed in any Choose From List window. Account Segment Separator Define the character for separating between GL account segments. This separator is used for display purposes only. A dash (8211) is recommended. Do not use any letters, numbers or an asterisk as a separator. The GL account code must not contain the same character as the separator. This setting is mandatory where account segmentation is used. This option is available only in certain localizations. Decimal Places (082306) Define the respective number of decimal places that will be displayed for amounts, prices, exchange rates, quantities, percentages, and units. You can change the selected values at any time. The change will be applied on future actions only, and has no retroactive influence. Note that your selection effects the calculations in SAP Business One, and the values that will be saved in the data base. For example, if you chose 2 decimal places for amounts and you work with 6 decimal places for very small prices and quantities, totals might be not accurate. Separator Define which character to use to separate the decimal places from the integer. The U. S. and U. K. use a decimal point, for example, while German-speaking countries generally use a decimal comma. Thousands Sep. Define which character to use as the thousands separator. The U. S. and U. K. use a comma as the thousands separator, for example, while German-speaking countries generally use a period. Display Currency on the Right Select if you want the currency or currency symbol to be displayed on the right side in amount fields. By default, the currency symbol appears on the left of the amount. Exchange Rate Posting Determine the display of exchange rates in SAP Business One. Select Direct to display the exchange rate according to the foreign currency (that is, how many euros one US dollar is worth). Select Indirect to display the exchange rate according to the local currency (that is, how many US dollars one euro is worth). This setting cannot be changed after transactions are recorded in the company. Wednesday, September 26, 2007 The Procure - to - Pay Cycle SAP Business One has the capability to meet the procurement process needs of SMBs - small and medium scale businesses. In a typically organization, theres usually a purchasing department. The responsibility of this department is to handle the procurement of materials. However, this process impacts on other departments - inventory, material requirement planning, production and Financial. Suffice to say that, at any point in time, you are either impacting on stock quantity andor stock value. In this posting, I shall be explaining the procurement process in SAP Business One as it relates to inventory and of course financial. Ideally, the process starts with a purchase requisition is created and then purchase order. A goods receipt that is based on the purchase order is then created. Based on the goods receipt, an invoice is then created upon which the outgoing payment transaction is based. However, in SAP Business One, purchase requistion is not catered for. At this juncture, it is worth mentioning that SAP Business One leverages the draw document wizard to facilitate the creation of a target document (e. g Goods Receipt PO) based on a source document (e. g purchase order). During the copying process, options as to how the inheritance of definitions should be carried out can be customized if need be. It is important to state that the AP Invoice is the only document that is mandatory in order to register a procurement process. Base documents such as the purchase order and the goods receipt PO are optional. The Purchase Order The purchase order is a document used to request a supplier to supply goods or services. This document usually contains strict conditions on which the supply is based. A purchase order can be tied to cost centers or projects. The essence is to allow for better analysis as to what its actually meant for. Goods receipt and invoicing ideally references the purchase order. You can minimize data entry by duplicating an existing purchase order. Also, when purchase order data such as the vendor and items are entered, default values are displayed based on the definition in the relevant master data. For example, the address of the vendor, the payment terms and payment systems, price and item description are copied from the corresponding master data. The purchase order contains the header part, line details and the footer. The header part contain information about the entire purchase order such as document currency, document date and due date. The line item level contains information about the items ordered such as item code and name. The footer also displays general document information such as payment due and total discount value. When a purchase order is created, no entry is made in accounting however, the inventory status is updated based on the quantity ordered. This is reflected in the ordered and in stock fields in the inventory tab of the item master data and the inventory report. The Purchase Order can be accessed under: Purchasing - AP Purchase Order Figure 2 shows the Purchase Order screen. Goods Receipt PO (GPO) The second step in the procurement process in SAP Business One is the creation of goods receipt that is based on a purchase order. Ideally, referencing a previously created purchasing order creates this document. However, it can be created without referencing the purchase order. When you record the receipt of goods, the system updates the open item for the purchase order. At this stage, it is pertinent for the appropriate department to check whether the correct items are delivered and whether the actual quantity has been delivered, over delivery and under delivery is also ascertained at this level. In more complex situation that involves perishable items like pharmaceuticals, the expiration date can also be validated at this stage. It is possible to create several goods receipt by referencing a single purchase order especially when batch delivery is practiced. When a goods receipt is created based on a purchase order, the information entered in the purchase order is inherited. Hence, the elimination of the need for double entry. However, some of these definitions can also be edited or modified when creating the goods receipt. When goods receipt PO is created in the system, the inventory status is updated by the quantity received. Also, if stocks are continuously managed, relevant accounting information is updated in financials. The Goods Receipt PO can be accessed under Purchasing - AP Goods Receipt PO Figure 3 shows the Goods Receipt PO screen. AP Invoice After purchase order and goods receipt creation, comes invoicing. When you reference a purchase order or goods receipt when creating an invoice, the system copies the data defined in the preceding document(s). This information includes vendor details, item code, item description and quantity. These inherited values can be modified, for example, installment payment. However, the system verifies if there are irregularities between the purchase order or goods receipt and the invoice. System messages are displayed accordingly depending on the business rule defined in the system and invoices can be blocked as a consequence. Basically what happens at the background is that when an invoice is based on a purchase order and goods receipt, the system copies the order prices from the purchase order document and the received quantities from the purchase order document. Furthermore, the system determines the quantities that are yet to be invoiced by calculating the difference between the quantity delivered and the quantity that was invoiced earlier. The system also calculates the expected value for the items, which is a product of the quantity to be invoiced and the order price. This value is not static. It can be modified accordingly. When an invoice is created, the corresponding vendor accounts is updated accordingly. The AP Invoice can be accessed under this path: Purchasing - AP AP Invoice Figure 4 shows the AP Invoice screen Outgoing Payment Most times, outgoing payment is based on account payable invoices. When a vendor is chosen, a list of all invoices awaiting payment is displayed. You simply click on the particular invoice to be paid and effect the transaction. When an outgoing payment transaction is created, corresponding journal entry is created. Payment could be made in check, bank transfer, credit card or cash. If you create outgoing payment for a vendor that has a pre-defined consolidating business partner, the journal entry is created against the consolidating business partner. It is possible for outgoing payment to be based on one or more invoices that were fully paid. In such case, the transaction of the paid invoices and the outgoing payment are automatically reconciled. Furthermore, the amount due and the paidcredit fields in the paid invoice are updated accordingly and the status of the invoice changes to closed. The outgoing payment can be accessed under this path: Banking Outgoing Payments Outgoing Payment Figure 5 shows the Outgoing Payment screen It is important to state that workflow - approval procedures and document reversal - Goods Return and Credit Memo are not discussed here. UNIT I: FUNDAMENTALS OF SAP BUSINESS ONE MAIN MENU (afs pbb ips r) ADMINISTRATION FINANCIALS SALES - AR PURCHASING 8211 AP BUSINESS PARTNERS BANKING INVENTORY PRODUCTION SERVICE REPORTS MENU BAR FILE, EDIT, VIEW, WINDOW, HELP, DATA GOTO, MODULE, TOOLS TOOL BAR PRINT PREVIEW, PRINT, SEND-EMAIL, SEND SMS, SEND FAX, EXPORT MS-EXCEL, EXPORT TO MS-WORD, LAUNCH APPLICATION, LOCK SCREEN, FIND, ADD, FIRST DATA RECORD, PREVIOUS RECORD, NEXT RECORD, LAST DATA RECORD To change company: Administration Choose Company To change user: Administration Choose Company Change User To go to form of user maintenance: (asgu) Administration Set-up General Users Two Input Tools 1. Selection List 2. Dropdown List To change field labels: (if with authorization) Ctrl Double-click on the label STATUS BAR NAME, LENGTH, CONTENTS OF THE CURRENT FIELD To display more technical info about the field: View Debug Information To change various display parameters: Administration System Initialization General Settings, Display tab To change background image: Administration System Initialization General Settings, FontBkgd tab Different Display Parameters Language, Color, Default Length Unit, Default Weight Unit, Date Format, Date Separator, Time Format, Display currencies on the right, Decimal Places, Decimal Separator, Thousands Separator To assign function keys F1 to F12 to most used transactions (user-defined shortcuts): Tools User shortcuts Customize To create user menu (user-defined menu): Tools User menu Organize To add forms under the user menu: 1. Open a document (eg. Sales ar Sales Order) 2. Go to Tools User menu Add to user menu 3. Highlight form. Click add. To go to main window: Ctrl 0 or Window Main Menu To go to add mode: Ctrl A or Data Add or Add Button in the toolbar To customize main menu: 1. Go to Main Menu Window. Click Form Settings Icon (Rectangle with wheels Toolbar). 2. Check or Un-check Menu Items. DRAGRELATE Drag field to the entry in the navigation drag and relate tree. To limit authorizations per user for using reports: Administration System Initialization Authorizations General Authorizations Select General DRAGRELATE UNIT II: MASTER DATA 1. Business Partners 2. Items and warehouses (1) BUSINESS PARTNER MASTER DATA Header Data (cbn f gc) - code, business partner type, name, foreign name, group, currency Tabs (gca ppap d) - general, contact persons, addresses, payment terms, payment system, accounting, properties, details To add BP Catalog number: Inventory Item management BP Catalog No. To create customer groups: Administration Set-up Business Partners Customer Groups To create vendor groups: Administration Set-up Business Partners Vendor Groups To create domestic customer: Business Partners Business Partner Master Data. Change to add mode. (2a) ITEM MASTER DATA General area (I dip) - item number, description, item group, prices (gps i ppd) Tabs - general, purchasing, sales, inventory, planning, properties, details To find an item: Type (keyword) Item Master: Grouping Criteria Can group products by 1. ITEM GROUP in the GENERAL AREA 2. MANUFACTURER in the GENERAL tab 3. PROPERTIES tab 1. To create new entries to the dropdown list under item group: Choose DEFINE NEW in the list 2. To define item groups and properties in the administration: Administration Set-up Inventory Item GroupsProperties To define new warehouses: Administration Set-up Inventory Warehouses Warehouse Fields (walda) - warehouse code and warehouse name, address fields, location, drop ship, accounting tab INVENTORY tab of the ITEM MASTER DATA - Costing Method - Warehouses - Stock quantities - Cost price - Variance Account - GL Account Determination - Stock Account - Allocation Cost Account 1. moving average price 2. first in first out (fifo) 3. standard price (deals with variances) KE To activate continuous stock management: Administration System Initialization Company Details Check default valuation method box Note: Continuous stock management must be activated before this functionality can be leveraged. To define whether the system calculates one price for all warehouses or not: Administration System Initialization Company Details Basic Initialization Handle Price System per Warehouse checkbox GL ACCOUNT DETERMINATION 1. GL Accounts by Item Level Inventory Item Master Data, Inventory tab 2. GL Accounts by Warehouse Inventory Warehouses, Accounting tab 3. GL Accounts by Item Group Inventory Item Groups, Accounting tab To define default accounts: Administration Definitions Financials GL Account Determination General Structures of Documents 1. Upper Part (header) - business partner, name, contact person,8230 2. Middle Part - contents tab, logistics tab, accounting tab 3. Lower Part (footer) - buyer sales person, remarks. To add header and footer text: Go to Header Footer (or RIGHT MOUSE CLICK), Insert predefined texts To define predefined texts: Administration Definitions General Define Pre-defined Texts FORM SETTINGS - table format (show or hide) - row format (details) - document (default values) DOCUMENT TYPES in document, contents tab 1. Item 2. Service ROW TYPES IN DOCUMENTS in document, contents tab 1. T 8211 text row 2. S 8211 subtotal row 3. A 8211 alternative item row (in a sales quotation) To activate row type column: Form Settings Table Format 10 FAQs: Procurement Process in SAP Business One by Kehinde Eseyin(Systems Support Officer) Q1. Can I create purchase requisition in SAP Business One A1. No. SAP Business One does not support purchase requisition. Q2 What are the implications of creating a Goods Receipt (that is based on a Purchase Order) A2. As a result of the accounting effect of the Goods Receipt PO, both the purchase order and the Goods Receipt PO cannot be amended. The Inventory status is updated. When using the draw document wizard, items that are already copied in full or partial are displayed in light gray in the purchase order. Q3. What are the implications of creating an AP Invoice A3. The AP Invoice cannot be changed. If the AP Invoice is based on a Goods Receipt PO, then only the values gets updated else stock quantity is also updated. When using the draw document wizard, items that are already copied in full or partial are displayed in light gray in the base document. Q4 Can I reverse a transaction that has already affected my stock quantity and value A4. Ja. AP Credit Memo allows you to reverse transactions that you already created an invoice for and the Goods Return functionality allows you to reverse transactions that have only affected stock quantity. Q5 Does SAP Business One allow for partial and over deliveries A5. Ja. When you create Goods Receipt PO from a purchase order document, you can choose to increase or decrease the quantity. The later is called Over Deliveries while the former is called Partial Deliveries. Q6 Which functionality in SAP Business One allows you to create a pro forma invoice A6. The AP Reserve Invoice. Q7. What is Split Purchase Order A7. Split Purchase order is a functionality that allows you to split a purchase order into child purchase order especially when dealing with more than one warehouse. Q8. What is Landed Costs A8. The Landed Costs functionality in SAP Business One allows you to calculate the actual cost price of an item based on added costs incurred such as custom duties, insurance, tax, etc. The base document for the landed cost process is the Goods Receipt PO. Q9. What is the use of the allocation cost account as it relates to the journal entries created when goods are procured A9. The Allocation Cost Account is used to enforce control by checking if the goods receipts PO and the AP Invoice are the same. Q10. What is the accounting implication of procuring non-inventory item on the Goods Receipt PO A10. There is no implication. For non-inventory items, SAP Business One does not create postings for the Goods Receipt PO even if you explicitly create one. August Certification Diet by Kehinde Eseyin(Systems Support Officer) 1. How does the system calculate the stock available in the warehouse A. Instock Ordered - Committed B. Instock - Committed C. Committed - Ordered D. Committed In stock - Ordered At any point, it is possible for the system to determine the inventory level of an item in a warehouse or across warehouses. In determining this, the system adds the quantity in stock and ordered stock less committed stock. In Stock Ordered - Committed The in stock is the actual stock quantity, the committed stock is the reserved stock as a result of committments made via sales order and reserved invoices. The ordered stock is the stocks that have orders placed on them via purchase orders or production orders. If the available stock for an item is negative, the value is displayed in red. 2. Which of the following document types can you create header and footer text for A. Business Partner master data B. Sales Order C. Item master Data D. AP Credit Memo SAP Business One allows you to enter remarks and predefined text for marketing documents. You cant enter remarks for master data. To add header and footer text, choose Goto Opening and Closing remark. Alternatively, right mouse click and choose opening and closing remark. Furthermore, you can insert predefined text. It is also possible to print out the header and footer remarks on a document. 3. It is possible to change the language settings of your SAP Business One application. True or False SAP Business One is flexible in that it allows you to change the language settings of your application. This can be done by accessing the following path Administration System Initialization General Settings, Display Tab and then Language field 4. The system prevents automatic posting to sub ledger accounts when the active status of the posting period is set to NO. True or False Answer: True The purpose of the Active field is to allow or to block working with sales documents. If you set the field to NO (and the period is not locked), no sales documents can be created in SAP Business One during this period. This option can be used in order to block users from adding new sales documents after the posting period has ended. However, you will still be able to add purchasing documents, inventory transactions, manual journal entries. When the status is set to YES (and the period is not locked), you will be able to add all types of records: sales documents, purchasing documents, inventory transactions, manual journal entries, Master Data, and reconciliations. 5. How many concurrent same user access is possible on a SAP Business One company database A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 Answer: B It is possible to have only two concurrent user accesses on a company database. 6. On which side of an account is budget entered in SAP Business One A. Debit side B. Credit side C. Revenue side D. Extra ordinary accounts Answer A In order to use the budgeting functionaliy of SAP Business One, it must first be activated under Administration System Initialization General Settings, Budget Tab and Check Budget Initialization field. Budget is entered on the debit side of an account. That is, the expense accounts, hence SAP Business One checks for debit budget. 7. You want to create a credit memo that is based on an invoice with installment. What are the options available for you for applying the credit memo amount to the installment. A. Equally B. First Installment C. Last Installment D. It is not possible to apply installment to credit memos Answer: A, B, C Installments are defined in the No of Installment field in the payment terms. Credit memos are used to reverse an invoice. It is possible to have installments defined for invoices. When creating credit memos for such invoices, the system allows you to distribute the credit memo amount equally, or assign the credit memo amount to the 1st installment, the 2nd and in that order. Also, you can assign the credit memo to the last installment, 2nd to the last and in that order. 8. Which of the following SAP Customer notes is termed priority 1 A. SAP FAQNotes B. SAP TopNotes C. SAP HotNews D. SAP HighNews Answer: C SAP notes are solution to known problems. SAP HotNews are called high priority notes because they contain notes on how to resolve or avoid problems that can cause system shutdown or data loss. SAP TopNotes are component and sub component based solutions. SAP FAQNotes contains most frequently asked questions and answers. Collections of SAP notes are published as SAP HotNews and SAP TopNews. Theres nothing like SAP HighNews. 9. The methodology that helps you operate SAP Business One on a long term basis is called A. SAP Early Watch Alert B. Operation Concept C. Support Desk D. Escalation Handling Answer: B SAP Business One has a number of support tools, each with its own function. The implementation and operation concept is a support tool that guides the implementation and management of the system, especially on a long term basis. The SAP Early Watch Alert collects system data, analyzes it and generate recommendation report. The support desk is another support tool that allows you create problem messages and send to SAP from within SAP Business One. Message escalation and project escalation are also support offerings that are handled by team of experts. 10. Alternative item row type can be defined for which document type A. Purchase Order B. Sales Order C. Goods Issue D. Sales Quotation Answer: D It is possible to include the row type field in marketing documents. The possible row type definitions are Blank, Text (T), Sub total (163) and Alternative item (A). The alternative item row type applies to only sales quotation. When it used, the value is not considered in sum calculation. July Certification Diet by Kehinde Eseyin(Systems Support Officer) 1. You are using special prices in SAP Business One and you observe blue rows in the special prices window. Blue rows shows that A. The item rows are not in stock. B. Special discount groups are the row items. C. No special prices were defined for the item rows. D. The item rows have validityquantity based special prices defined for them. There are business requirements in which you do not want special prices to depend directly on the business partners, but on the items and associated price lists. If a customer buys an item, and neither a special price nor a discount group has been defined for the customer or this item, the special prices for the price list applies. This is setup under Inventory Price Lists Hierarchies and Expansions. When the lines for special price are expanded, the special price is displayed in blue in the Hierarchies and Expansions window. 2. Commission can only be calculated for the following except A. Sales Employee B. Item group C. Item D. Customers Answer: B During system setup, under Administration System Initialization General Settings, BP Tab, you can define how commission is calculated. Commission can be awarded based on the sales employee, item or customer specified in the document. This setting influences where you can specify the sales commission percentage, but does not automatically calculate any commission transactions. This setting is not static it can be changed at any time. Commission calculation cannot be defined for Item group. 3. You want to use the Pick and Pack manager in SAP Business One, what are the statuses available A. Open B. Picked C. Released D. Blocked Answer: A, B, C The Pick and Pack Manager is used to handle the picking process. The process starts with the creation of a pick list, then to the reporting of picked quantities, and ends with the packaging and delivery of the picked items. The possible Pick and Pack statuses are Open, Released and Picked. Open - Displays the open Sales Order or Reserve Invoice rows. Released - Displays the released quantities ready to be picked that exist in the pick list Picked - Displays the picked quantities. Blocked is not valid status. 4. What happen when you define the opening balances function and the system currency differs from the local currency A. An error message appears B. You must manually convert the balances C. The balances are converted automatically D. It is not possible to enter opening balances when different system and local currencies are used in a company. Answer: C When using the opening balances functionality, enter opening balances in the local currency in column OB (LC) only if data is to be entered in the local currency. If the system currency is different from the local currency, the system automatically calculates the opening balances in the system currency and displays the values in column OB (SC). Hence, it is possible to enter opening balances even when the local and system currencies differ and an error message is not displayed as a result. If a foreign currency has been defined for an account, the OB (FC) field will be active. The system automatically calculates the amounts in the local and system currencies, using the valid exchange rate on the value date. It is important to state that opening balance for a multi currency account can only be entered in local currency 5. Which of the following isare true about the Data Transfer Workbench when it encounters an error A. Rollback occurs and all data records that are already imported are removed from the system B. An error message is displayed and nothing happens. C. The import process stops after a number of errors, yet to be imported records are stored in an error file D. The import process stops after a number of errors and all records that have already been imported are retained in the system. The Data Transfer Workbench is a tool for data migration. Another functionality that can be used for importing data into SAP Business One is the native import functionality. SAP Business One has a number of ways of handling errors while importing data into the system. When error is encountered while data upload is in progress, a rollback occurs and all data records already imported are removed from the system. Alternatively, the Data Transfer Workbench stops the import process after a certain number of errors and does not rollback. All records that are yet to be imported are stored in an error file while the records that are already imported remains in the system. 6. Which of the following are true about the uses of user defined fields in SAP Business One. A. It is used for integration into document templates B. It is a tool used to generate SQL statements C. It is used to find objects D. It is used to format data records Answer: A, C User defined fields can be used for document template integration, search objects, store additional information such as pictures and files and reporting. It is not a tool for generating SQL Statements. The Query Wizard and Query generator are tools used for generating SQL statements. However, user-defined fields can be displayed in the print layout designer or in the Query Generator window. Also, it is not used for formatting data records. 7. What are the levels of authorization available in SAP Business One A. None B. Read Only C. Full D. Peer Answer: A, B, C SAP Business One has its own in built authorization levels. Authorizations allow users to view, create, and update documents and you assign them according to data ownership definitions. This is to enforce some sort of data security and controlled access. By default, a new user has no authorizations. The three possible levels available are None, Read Only and Full. None: the user has no access to that functionality. Read Only: the user can only view, but not change data. Full. the user is able to display and modify data for that functionality per module. Peer is solely related to data ownership concept in which the user and the owner share the same manager on their corresponding employee records. 8. The types of Balance Sheet accounts includes the following except A. Asset B. Equity C. Liability D. Cost of Sales Answer: D A typical Chart of accounts is made of two major types of accounts, namely the balance sheet accounts and profit and loss accounts. For the balance sheet accounts, three types of accounts are available. They are Asset, Liability and Capital and Reserve, otherwise called equity. Cost of sales is a typical Profit and Loss accounts and not a balance sheet account. when a balance sheet report is processed, the asset account is displayed on the active side while the liability and equity accounts are displayed on passive side. 9. Where in SAP Business One is the system and local currencies configured. A. Administration System Initialization Company Details B. Administration System Initialization General Setting C. Administration setup Financials Currencies D. Financials Chart of Accounts Answer: A SAP Business allows you to manage your accounts using system currency, local currency and multi currency. These definition can be made under Administration System Initialization Company Details, choose Basic Initialization. The system and the Local currency can be the same or different, however, the reporting currency is the system currency. This definition is not made under Administration System Initialization General Settings. All currencies used in a company are defined under Administration Setup Financials Currencies. The chart of accounts is accessed under Financials Chart of Accounts. The chart of accounts is an index of all general ledger accounts hence, system and local currencies are not defined there. 10. Is it possible to have a negative balance in a credit field True or False. Answer: True It is possible to display credit balances in negative. This is setup under Administration System Initialization Company Details Basic Initialization tab. By default, the debit balances are displayed with a negative sign. The system displays a credit balance with a negative sign because the credit balance depicts liabilities in an asset account. This setting is sensitive because it impacts on Opening balances for GL account and business partners. Furthermore, the settings cannot be changed after transactions have been posted. June Certification Diet Kehinde Eseyin(Systems Support Officer) 1.When you activate purchase account posting system, the GL account determination contains additional accounts namely: A. Purchase Account B. PA receipt account C. PA return account D. PA offset account Answer: A, C, D Three accounts are added to the GL account determination when purchase account posting system is activated in the system. They are Purchase account PA return account and PA offset account. Purchase Account: This is recorded in the journal entry along with the same amount that is recorded for the stock account when an AP invoice or a goods receipt PO is created. PA return account: This is recorded in the journal entry along with the same amount that is recorded for the stock account, when a goods return or an AP credit memo is created. PA offset account: This account is used to offset the purchase or purchase-return account, thus maintaining journal entries created by balanced purchasing documents Purchase accounting posting system is activated under Administration System Initialization Company Details. Then select the Use Purchase Accounts Posting System indicator in the Basic Initializations tab 2.What are the two possible payment means in a payment wizard run A. Cash B. Checks C. Bank Transfer D. Credit Card Answer: B, C The payment wizard automatically creates payment documents based on open invoices (payables and receivables) in the system. The payment wizard run supports two types of payment means namely Checks and Bank Transfer 3.Can a down payment request be changed TrueFalse Answer: True A down payment request is like a draft posting that shows that a payment is expected from a customer. A down payment request can be changed as long as its status is open. The down payment closes the down payment request. 4.You are implementing SAP Business One for a client, what is the minimum number of databases that should be created during the project implementation phase. A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 Answer: C At least, three databases should be created during the implementation of SAP Business One. They are Demo, Production and Test databases. 5.What are the two types of SDK in SAP Business One A. Implementation B. Development C. Configuration D. Testing Answer: A, B SDK is an acronym for software development kit. It is a tool used to further enhance the generic SAP Business One system. SDK is provided in two versions in SAP Business One. They are Implementation SDK and Development SDK. The former is used to add individual client requirement like form redesigning which does not necessarily require coding while the latter is used to develop add-ons to interface with SAP Business One. 6. Company XYZ uses continuous stock system, what are the costing methods that XYZ can use to manage its stocks. A. FIFO B. LIFO C. Moving Average D. Standard Price Answer: A, C, D Three valuation methods are available in SAP Business One. They are FIFO, Moving Average and Standard Price. These options are only available if stocks are continuously managed in the system. The system calculates the moving average price by dividing the total value of the stock through the amount in stock. In FIFO, the system stores every goods receipt in a separate layer. When goods issue is posted, the system uses the price of the item from the oldest layer, from the second layer and in that order. For standard price, a static price is specified. 7. Where do you set up GL account determination in SAP Business One A. Administration Setup Inventory Define warehouses B. Administration System Initialization Company Details C. Administration Setup Inventory Define Item group and choose the Accounting Tab D. Administration Setup Financials GL Account Determination Answer: A, C, D GL Account determination can be setup under A, C, D above. It is not set up in Company Details (B). Essentially, GL Account determination can be set up at the item level, warehouse level and item group level. 8. You are using the print layout functionality in SAP Business One, which field is used to define field labels or headings for the repetitive area. A. Variable field B. Calculation field C. Data field D. Text field Answer. D Text field is used to define labels or headings for the repetitive area. The calculation field is used to perform both defined and predefined calculation. The Data field prints the content of the master data and warehouse data. The variable field is used to print data that is not stored in any table but is calculated by certain procedures. 9. The default roles in SAP Business One Human Resources are A. Purchasing B. Sales Employee C. Technician D. Manager Answer: A, B, C The default role in SAP Business One Human Resources are purchasing, Sales Employee and Technician. Other roles can however be added as the need arises. 10. The three types of production orders in SAP Business One are A. Standard B. Special C. Sales D. Template E. Disassembly Answer: A, B, E Three types of production orders are available in SAP Business One. They are Standard, Special and Disassembly production orders. The standard production orders are copied from the bill of materials. The special production orders are not necessarily based on the bill of materials. The disassembly production order is used to report the disassembly of a standard production order. Sales and Template are not production order types but bill of materials types. May Certification Diet Kehinde Eseyin(Systems Support Officer) 1. Which of the following about installments in SAP Business One is correct A. Installments can only be defined when posting the Invoice B. Installments can only be defined in the payment terms window and cannot be changed in the invoice. C. Installments can be defined in the payments terms window and can also be altered when creating the invoice D. Installments can only be defined in GL Account Determination. Answer: C Installments are defined as independent objects in the No. of installments field within the payment terms window. Furthermore, after installments are defined, they can be modified in the invoice. Installments are not defined in GL Account Determination. When setting up installments, the installment rates, month and days are defined and added to the whole invoice to determine the due date for the individual installments. 2. Your company uses the Withholding Tax functionality in SAP Business One, at which point can withholding tax be calculated A. When posting the invoice B. When posting the invoice and when posting the payment C. When posting the payment Answers: B. The category field of the Define Withholding Tax window in SAP Business One has two options, namely Payment and Invoice. If Payment is chosen, the withholding tax is posted when payment is made and if Invoice is chosen, the withholding tax is posted upon invoice. 3. Which of the following isare the component(s) of the SAP Business One Software Development Kit (SDK) A. Data Interface Server (DI Server) B. Data Interface Application Programming Interface (DI API) C. User Interface Application Programming Interface (UI API) Answers: A, B, C The SAP Business One SDK is used to develop additional functionality applications in SAP Business One. The applications developed are called Add-ons. The DI Server supports the integration with non-SAP systems. The DI API facilitates access between add-ons and the SAP Business One database. The third component which is the UI API facilitates access between screen elements in the SAP Business One client. 4. The Due Date for a business partner is calculated based on the metrics defined in the payment system for the business partner. True or False Answer: False. The payment system tab of the business partner master data contains payment information such as house bank details and payment methods. The payment terms contains payment data which are inherited by default in corresponding marketing documents. Such data includes due date and total discount allowed. 5. Where in SAP Business One are control accounts defined andor managed A. Administration System Initialization General Settings. B. Administration Setup Financial GL Account Determination C. Administration System Initialization Company Details D. Financials Chart of Accounts Answers: B, D Control Accounts link the business partner accounts to the general ledger. A control account must be entered for every business partner in the system. Examples of control accounts are account payables and receivables, down payment payable and receivables, open debts. Default control account can be entered under Administration SetupDefinitions Financials GL Account Determination. You can define a GL account as a control account under Financial Chart of Accounts then check the control account box. Control accounts are not managed or defined under A and C. 6. A company is solely involved in the sales of 2 years warranty items. Which of the following is correct for a Customer Equipment Card to be created automatically for all sold items A. Create a service contract template with the type Serial and assign it to all sales items (warranty managed) in the item master data. B. Create a service contract template with the type Customer and assign it to all Customers in the business partner master data. C. Create a service contract template with the type Item group and assign it to all sales items (warranty managed) in the item master data. D. Create a service contract template with the type Customer and assign it to all sales items (warranty managed) in the item master data. Answer: A Service contract can be created for serial number managed items, special customers and item groups. The implication of creating service contract for serial number managed items in the item master data is that, when a delivery note or AR Invoice is created for that item, the system automatically creates customer equipment card and service contract of the warranty service type. Assigning service contracts of the customer and item group types to the item or business partner master data will not achieve this aim. 7. You are trying to reference a customer equipment card and you keep getting an error message. The status of the customer equipment card is likely to have been set to A. Active B. Loaned C. In Lab D. Closed Answer: C When the status of a customer equipment card is set to returned, terminated or in lab, an error message is displayed when you try to access it. However, a customer equipment card can be accessed if the status is set to active or loaned. Closed is not a valid status for customer equipment card. 8. The SAP Business One Duty Manager is a telephone support service that is used instead of the SAP Business One Hotline support service when critical business processes are affected due to system abnormalities. True or False Answer: True The Duty Manager Support service is used when critical business processes are affected as a result of system abnormalities. The answering machine for this number is checked regularly, even outside working hours. The hotline on the other hand is used basically to contact SAP support when the SAP portal cannot be accessed. 9. A User Defined Table in SAP Business One is identified by which prefix A. B. U C. D. Answer: C User defined tables are identified by the prefix, followed by a unique code and then a name description by default. SAP Business One stores the user defined field under the description U (title). is closely associated with query syntax in SAP Business One e. g. Tablename. Fieldname 10. Which of the following databases are supported by SAP Business One A. Oracle B. Microsoft SQL Server C. IBM DB2 D. Sybase Answer: B, C, D SAP Business One can be deployed on Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2 and Sybase. Oracle is not a supported database system.

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